Upcoming solo exhibitions / Expositions personnelles à venir:
LUEURS, Galerie BACKSLASH, Paris, 15 mars - 12 avril 2025
PETRICHOR, Pavillon des Arts, Chatenay Malabry, 3 - 19 juin 2025
Solo exhibition+ Residency, October 2024, Centre d'Art Rosa Bonheur, Fontenay aux Roses, France.
This project combines an exhibition and a residency presenting works made exclusively with natural raw materials.
Raw materials, even primary, plus ancestral techniques. THrough sustainable pratices, I strive to reduce my impact on the environnement.

Solo exhibition, October- November 2024, Centre d'Art, La Ferté-sous-Jouarre, France.
Ancient greek "nukthêmeron": "nux, nuktos" : night, and "hêmera": day.
This installation goes through a nycthemeral cycle, the 24 hours during which day and night alternate to the rythm of the first rays of the sun before it passes above the horizon line, the bright hours of noon, or dusk.
The cosmic dimension of the nycthemeral cycle takes us beyond our days ponctuated by the sequence of wakes and sleeps. Let's follow the journey of light through the universe, origin of each and every form of life, from antimatter to the creation of matter.

MAC Paris, Fall 21 selection group show, November 2021, Bastille Design Center, Paris.
Wherever it comes from, there will be light, 2021, collected and re-used polystyrene and aluminium, reconstituted lava rock, ceramic, acrylic resin, acrylic and oil paint. Various dimension installation.

MAISON CONTEMPORAIN #02, group show, September 2020, Galerie Bertrand Grimont, Paris.
Installation sans titre

MAQUETTE LAGOMORPHE, 2017. Installation at Centre d'Art Les Récollets, Paris, France.

LUX, une abstraction atmosphérique, 2016. Solo exhibition, Galerie Lacroix, Paris, France

WHITE, 2016/17. Parc Montsouris, Paris, France. Mairie de Paris, Mairie du 14ème, Paris Artistes. (Now on permanent display at the Chateau des Pères, le Piré-sur Seiche, Legendre collection)

Photo courtesy: Michel Borel for Galerie Lacroix & Marlène Boulad
FRESH TO DEATH, 2014. Solo exhibition, Galerie LACROIX, Paris, France

Photo courtesy of Doze, David Meynard and AJ Deschamps